Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Who am I?

My name is Shelby, I’m a mother of a 1 1/2 year old named Allie, She is my world. I also work full time (a desk/cubicle 8-5 job). Since my daughter was born I have been struggling on being happy with myself. I am more than happy with being a mommy and being with my significant other (Ryne) but I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy and it destroyed me. Not to mention I was also dealing with post-partum depression. My weight strapped me down. I didn't want to do anything, or go anywhere when, before the weight gain I was going to the beach and I had no problem with going out in public. After struggling with loosing weight, going off and on diets, working out and then not working out, a year and a half later I decided to change. This blog is how I’m going to log my struggle to change and how I’m going to do it and succeed. My determination is stronger than ever. 

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